Sonya Thomas vs. Juliet Lee
A list of head to head results of Sonya Thomas vs. Juliet Lee in the eatfeats database is available after the jump. Sonya Thomas has not only never finished behind Juliet Lee, she has not lost to any other female competitor:
Juliet Lee ends Tim Janus’ streak
According to the eatfeats database, Juliet Lee’s victory in yesterday’s clam contest was the first time in her competitive eating career she finished ahead of Tim Janus. The streak spanned 17 contests. A list of results is available after the jump:
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URDB: Juliet Lee wins Pete’s Clam Bar, Eater X 2nd
update #4 Ramblin and Amblin has some pictures
update #3 NewsDay has an article reporting Badlands Booker ate 8 dozen clams
update #2The top 3 from
1. Juliet Lee 23 dozen
2. Tim Janus 20 dozen
3. Micah “Wing Kong” Collins 16 dozen
update The Universal Records Database reports that Juliet Lee won, Tim Janus was second.
If Sonya Thomas competed, that ends her victory streak against other women at about 6 years.
The Universal Records Database is at Pete’s Clam Bar and has started posting twitter updates.
“Guy’s Big Night” screen captures
Screen captures from Juliet Lee’s appearance in an oyster eating contest on “Guy’s Big Night” on the Food Network Wednesday can be seen below:
Juliet Lee to appear on Guy Fieri tonight
Juliet Lee’s writenow page announces that she will appear on Guy Fieri’s Big Night on the Food Network at 10 pm eastern tonight. The program will be rerun the following times over the next 2 weeks:
Wed 2/25 10:00 PM
Thu 2/26 1:00 AM
Sat 2/28 8:00 PM
Sun 3/1 3:00 AM
Sun 3/8 6:00 PM
Juliet Lee, Bertoletti, Conti on the Food Network in Jan
Juliet Lee has updated her WriteNow page which reports that she will appear in an episode of My Life in Food on the Food Network along with Pat Bertoletti and Crazy Legs Conti. The program will document their preparation for the 2008 Nathan’s finals. The expected broadcast date is January 10.
The program page on the Food Network’s website has the following description:
My Life in Food takes an intimate look at individuals whose lives have been transformed through food. From people with debilitating food phobias, to those searching for a fountain of youth through what they eat, to an entire city attempting to lose a thousand pounds, we examine the powerful force of food.
Link Buffet: November 9, 2008
- The meat in Denny’s Beer Barrel’s big burgers gets a bad review
- Tim Rauscheder beer drinking video
- NYC wing eating contest tonight
- Gal Sone wins a poll of the Japanese celebrity people most want to see without makeup
- A large image of the Joey Chestnut baseball card
- Picture of victorious (and wet) Juliet Lee at Nashville qualifier
- Hatsuyo “the Witch” Sugawara wins the Morioko wanko soba noodle eating contest with 383 bowls in 15 minutes
Link Buffet: October 17, 2008
- has commentary on Sonya Thomas and Juliet Lee
- also has a poll on who should be the IFOCE commisioner
- George and Rich Shea highlight video clips
- The Brad Sciullo article is picked up by the Associated Press
- Quinnipiac University bans on-campus eating contests, citing the death of an unnamed student competitive eater (I am unaware of any deaths in collegiate eating contests)
- Cancelled lumberjack eating contest receives bad reviews from Jill Stoler and others.
- WalletPop on how buffets trick patrons into consuming less food
- David Letterman says the format of the next presidential debate will involve competitive eating in his monologue.
Rich LeFevre to attempt 120 ounce steak today
Juliet Lee to appear on ESPN’s E:60
Juliet Lee has updated her WriteNow page with news of her trip to New York City to compete in the Famous Famiglia pizza eating contest and record her appearance on Guy Fieri’s “Big Show” on the Food Network.
Juliet also recorded a segment for ESPN’s E:60 news magazine program, which is expected to be televised on October 21.
Link Buffet: October 10, 2008
- Picture of Juliet Lee at the Nashville qualifier
- Favorite KSO V pictures at Krystalist
- Kobayashi has some pictures from the Krystal Square Off on his blog
- Tomoko Miyake has posted a FAQ using questions sent by her fans (Her favorite baseball team is the Hanshin Tigers)
- Craigslist posting about Raleigh, NC wing contest Sunday
Juliet Lee to appear on Guy Fieri special
Juliet Lee has updated her WriteNow page with a report on the Krystal finals and her piloting the boat delivering the competitors to the contest site. She does not mention the Nashville qualifier, but says she was trying to be especially neat in the finals. Juliet will record a program for the Food Network with Guy Fieri in New York City this month which will be televised in November or December.
Juliet wins Nashville qualifier after 3 way OT
The Krystal Square Off twitter reports that Juliet Lee won the Nashville qualifier after a 10 burger was held between her, Badlands Booker and Juris Shibayama. The official amount eaten in regulation time has not been posted yet. reports that there was a lot of controversy over the results and possible new rules might be implemented:
Juliet Lee maintained a five second dunk throughout regulation but pre-chewed so aggressively the judges had difficulty determining her final count. Many fans and eaters alike questioned the outcome. Judges determined that the eat off should occur.
Major League Eating has announced it will hold an an impromptu conference call this evening to consider the adoption of a new rule to eliminate confusion in future contests.
update The official amount in regulation time is 51 burgers, which puts Juris Shibayama and Badlands Booker in the top 3 wild card positions.
update #2 has a contest report with full results has a contest report
Link Buffet: September 3, 2008
- article about Bob Shoudt’s spaghetti chili victory. Bob does not think the Krystal record will be broken this year due to hotter weather at the finals
- Juliet Lee’s writenow page has been updated with a report on her weekend in Buffalo
- Beautiful Brian has some interviews with Buffalo Wing Festival competitors. The Brad Sciullo segment can be viewed on youtube. Video from the wing eating contest and Buffalo Buffet Bowl is also available
- Atlanta Krystal expected entrants include Pat Bertoletti, Tim “Gravy†Brown, Allen Goldstein and Eric “Steakbellie†Livingston. (Full Jacksonville results have yet to be posted)
- Ayden, NC collard eating contest Saturday. Last year’s men’s and women’s divisions were won by a mother & son pair.
Link Buffet: August 20, 2008
- Juliet Lee has an Ash Creek rib contest report
- Clam eating contest in Seattle Saturday, first prize is $100
- Ryan Nerz podcast interview in Conversations on the Road
- Furious Pete is doing marketing research on a Furious Pete hat
- A Washington Post article on the rise of college Food Studies programs reports that “Horsemen of the Esophagus” is required reading one course.
- The Wall Street Journal reports that Japanese convenience store chain Lawson announced an annual increase in same store sales of 13%. Gal Sone endorsed a line of meals for Lawson in May.
Juliet Lee to appear in Food Network documentary
Juliet Lee has updated her WriteNow page with news from her trip to the Nathan’s finals where she received the 2008 IFOCE Rookie of the Year award. She also announced that she finished recording a documentary being produced by the Food Network.
The pictures above are from valjean615’s flickr gallery from the Nathan’s finals, which includes pictures of all competitors entrances (Arturo Rios also removed his shirt like Juris Shibayama) along with the Rookie of the Year ceremony. Patrick Vandam and Juris Shibayama were apparently the other finalists for that award.
Link Buffet: May 28, 2008
- Sadie of Hungry Sisters got married last weekend and had a “wedding reception” at Krystal
- Juliet Lee has updated her WriteNow page with a report from the Pittsburgh Nathan’s qualifier
- Beautiful Brian has a “bigger bit” about his second cousin Abe Vigoda
- Wing eating contest in Marietta, Georgia on Saturday
- Video of Gal Sone competing against Torii Miyuki in a Wednesday morning eating contest. Torii Miyuki is a comedienne who act consists of acting crazy while wearing pajamas.
British tabloid questions Juliet Lee’s eligibility
The website for the British tabloid, The Mirror, has an article about Saturday’s Nathan’s qualifier near Pittsburgh which asserts there are issues about Juliet Lee’s eligibility to enter that contest.
Juliet Lee wins Pittsburgh Nathan’s qualifier
Results from anonymous comment & report :
1. Juliet Lee 29
2. Jim Reeves 19 3/4
3. Micah Collins 19
4T. Steakbellie 17
4T. Brian Subich 17
Mike Landrich ?
Mike Iskoe ?
update The Pittsburgh Channel has a short article about the contest
update #2 Pittsburgh Live has a short article with three pictures
update #3 Some videos (missing a part 3) have been uploaded to youtube and Steakbellie has written a blog entry about the contest
Broadway at the Beach mini-documentary
(Thanks Super Paul Barlow) Dateline Carolina, the student newspaper for the University of South Carolina, has a mini-documentary about last Saturday’s eating contest at Broadway at the Beach in Myrtle Beach. The documentary includes footage of Beautiful Brian and Badlands Booker performing.